Silence is golden at some moment
Often times, we love to speak our minds. No matter the condition, it feels great to say something and communicate what is in our brain.
Although, in my experience, there are times that silence is better than speaking up. The times are:
Silent in Negotiation
This is the time when silence can help you rather than speaking too much. Just say what you need, and let the other party reach their own conclusion.
2. Silent in Angry Emotional Moment
Angry time is not the time to speak up your mind. In fact, it leads more to a regretful memory rather than calming you down. Just keep your silence in this moment.
3. Silent at Work Environment
Don’t say too much of what you don’t need to say in the working environment. You never know what can bite you back.
4. Silent at Confusing Time
When you are confused with something, have a moment for yourself without any sounds. Silence will help you process your mind to get a better decision.
5. Silent to Listen to Someone’s Meaningful Story
There is no better way to listen to someone's life than being silent. Keep what you have in your mind until it is your turn to speak up.
6. Silent in an intimate moment
Anytime you have an intimate moment, there are times to understand the other and closing the gap you have just by having a silent moment. Sometimes silence speaks louder than any word.
7. Silent in a fool’s argument
This is an absolute waste of time and it is better to keep your mouth shut until you can end the conversation and go back to your more important activities.