Interesting Artificial Intelligence Applications on March 2022
The AI market seems promising for everybody. Artificial intelligence has been on the rise recently and will still be in the future. According to the report by Technavio, the AI market was increasing by 19.84% in 2021, and the forecast would grow by a CAGR of 21% from 2021 to 2025. If you love an actual number, then it is forecasted an incremental growth of around 76.44 USD Billion in 2025.
Let’s see various interesting AI applications over the month to inspire you.
The artificial Intelligence model invents 40.000 chemical weapons in 6 hours. Collaborations Pharmaceuticals was conducting experiments using AI to search for helpful drugs, but a tweak in the model allowed them to invent 40.000 chemical weapons within 6 hours. [Interestingengineering]
Will Artificial Intelligence tells us how Animal Communicate. With the help of AI, scientists have recently revealed that they translated pig grunts into emotions for the first time. The researchers have developed AI to parse the “speech” of animals. [Wionews]
Improving biodiversity protection through artificial intelligence. A lot of species face extinction and need protection. Researchers have developed reinforcement learning called CAPTAIN to measure conservation area prioritization, quantifies the trade-off between the costs and benefits of area and biodiversity protection. [Nature]
AI can help historians unravel ancient texts. Thousands of ancient texts are hard to decipher and require scholars to devote hours to fill in the missing letters. Recently, researchers developed Ithaca—the first deep-neural network meant to improve the task of restoring and attributing ancient texts. [Jpost]
Forward Mode Method to Compute Gradients Without Backpropagation. Neural network-based AI systems have contributed to many breakthroughs in the AI field. Still, not all industries can use them because the backpropagation issues, such as prohibitively expensive, require tremendous computational resources and energy. That is why Oxford University researchers have proposed a novel method to cut training time in half. [Marktechpost]
The robot peels a banana without crushing it. Technology might have developed robot AI to handle various menial works such as cleaning, serving, and patrolling. However, robots lack dextrous and elegance to take detailed work such as peeling bananas without destroying them. Heecheol Kim at the University of Tokyo has successfully developed a machine-learning system that powers a robot that can grasp between two fingers. [Newscientist]
AI Tech May Help Predict Heart Attacks Five Years in Advance. Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai Medical Center developed new tools based on AI to measure artery health and future heart attack up to five years in advance. [dot.LA]
Artificial intelligence to replant coral reefs. Titouan Bernicot started Coral Gardeners in April 2017 to replant 1 million corals worldwide by 2025. Aided by a new artificial intelligence system, the group focus on understanding the coral reef structure and environment to help replant the coral. [Fastcompany]
Artificial intelligence helps scientists to measure human consciousness. Using Deep Learning modelling, research teams of Korea University the University of Liége has developed novel and unique markers of the level of consciousness. [Humanbrainproject]
Artificial intelligence to discover new rare-earth compounds. Rare earth elements have many uses, including clean energy technologies, energy storage, and permanent magnets. Ames Laboratory has developed framework methods based on AI for experimenting with compounds and understanding chemical instabilities.
These are some of the Interesting Artificial Intelligence Applications for March 2022. If you find my post helpful and informative, you could support me by subscribing to my newsletter.